Plan your practice
Select a sequence to balance your energy.
Atapa Krama - Sunshine Sequence
Active, heating, dynamic
Modelled on the Ashtanga Primary Series and adapted by Matthew Sweeney, this vibrant sequence focuses on building strength along with improving flexibility.
A steady body balance between flexion and extension, complimented with lateral bends & twists with a strong focus on movements to open the shoulders & thoracic in preparation for safer back bending.
There are variations of the sequence that allows ALL levels of student to practice. Creating a more accessible sequence for the Western body and modern living.
We practice Atapa Krama:
Chandra Krama - Moon Sequence
Flowing, meditative, gentle
A gentle flowing form that combines yin yoga with vinyasa. Chandra Krama was originally designed as a counterbalance to dynamic practices such as Atapa Krama (Sunshine sequence) or Ashtanga Primary Series.
Although it is intended as a support practice versus your main sequence, it also helps practitioners to balance all aspects of Yoga by applying some key principles: here & now awareness, letting go, balancing Rajas and Tamas to become Sattva, meditation, and a therapeutic and individual approach.
Chandra Krama is intended to be light, flowing & graceful. The Moon Sequence, when practiced in this light, will develop your awareness in ways that a standard Vinyāsa practice, typically focussed on progression and learning advanced Āsana, will not. The Moon sequence is critical in this method for understanding all practices, both physical and non-physical, that progress from it.
Come and experience it for yourself!
We practice Chandra Krama: